Well-Draining Soil

Use well-draining soil for your Japanese Maple - Ten Mile Maples

When growing Japanese Maples in pots, the correct soil is key. Using a well-drained soil medium is by far the MOST important factor when growing Japanese Maples in pots. A well-draining soil medium will result in a well-aerated mix, which is so important to the roots of Japanese Maples. Check your local garden center for Pine Bark mini nuggets (also known as Soil Conditioner or Pine Fines), Perlite, and a quality potting soil that does NOT contain fertilizer. One example of quality soil mixture would be: 3 parts quality potting soil, 2 parts Pine Bark mini nuggets, and 1 part Perlite. If you search the internet about the best soil for potted Japanese Maples, you will see a lot of different opinions but one thing they all have in common is a soil that is well-draining.

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